Creation of a new Cath Lab Managed Service at West Suffolk Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Value:  £15m
Overview:  The development of a brand-new Cardiac Catheterisation and Pacing Suite 
Category:  Cath Lab

The Problem

The Trust’s old unit suffered frequent breakdowns leading to patient cancellations and safety risks linked to the transport of high-risk angiography patients. The mobile unit was not suitable/ sustainable in the long term.

The Solution

To build a new Cath Lab that would enable WSH to:
  1. Provide an excellent quality, safe and caring service for patients; 
  2. Continuously improve service quality and effectiveness through innovation.
  3. Continue to secure, motivate and develop an engaged workforce.
  4. Provide value for money for the taxpayer 


The solution ensures that the specialty is robust financially, a centre of excellence, able to attract additional consultants and other staff, enable the co-locating of cardiology services and provide a safe environment for patients.