Creation of a new Endoscopy Decontamination Suite at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Value:  £2m
Overview:  The development of a brand-new Endoscopy Decontamination Unit at Winchester Hospital. 
Category:  (Decon)

The Problem

The Trust’s decontamination equipment was aged and subject to repeated episodes of failure. Turnaround times for scopes were increased, which impacted patient lists and affected staff morale. The Trust had limited Capital funds and needed a quick, reliable and affordable solution.

The Solution

Chrystal engaged with the Trust to develop an understanding of the operational, practical and financial limitations applicable to the service. The Chrystal Managed Service enabled the department to have new AER’s, RO Plant, drying cabinets, tracking and associated equipment via an OJEU compliant route to market. 


The Chrystal Managed Service has enabled us to significantly improve the decon unit; without this, the service could not be operating today. Thanks to Chrystal, we now have pricing certainty over the coming years.