Point of Care Service Improvement for Bedford Hospital NHS Trust

Value:  £494k
Overview:  To ensure that all Blood Gas analysers are robust, fit for purpose and fully connected.
Category:  (Point of Care)

The Problem

  • Ensure all analysers are fully connected;
  • Implement newer technologies that will benefit patients and clinical staff; 
  • Ensure that the improved service is delivered on a cost neutral basis that is fully OJEU compliant.

The Solution

The Trust secured Chrystal’s service via an existing NHS SBS framework that enabled us to work quickly in securing an OJEU compliant service. Chrystal then ran a mini competition that enabled us to move forward with a new fully connected Blood Gas service at an affordable price. 


The Trust’s existing aged analysers have been replaced with a newer solution that delivers cost, clinical and operational benefits. All new/additional instruments are now fully connected which improves patient safety, Trust governance and POCT data management standards.